Sunday, September 11, 2011

September Sunshine

I went out for a quick bike ride to try to find something I passed by the other day. It was some sort of book sharing / drop off box, nailed to a post in one of the alleys around here. 
I couldn't find it though. 

On my way out, I saw these sunflowers ablaze in the early evening sun. 
I must pass by everyday, but not really notice them. 
Maybe it was because I had my camera, that I was paying more attention. 

As you can see, I live in a neighborhood full of character. 
It's not all roses... or sunflowers but it's my home and I love it the same. 
Sometimes it just takes a little editing while looking about.

I thought I would also show you this wall that I pass by all the time and do notice. 
I love finding the quirky and unusual.
They have quite a substantial container garden just beyond. 

Cheers everyone. I hope you're enjoying the tail end of summer as much as I am.

1 comment:

PJ said...

oooooo, I LOVE sunflowers, so this post just made me smile!