What did I do with this nice paper?

I'm trying to simplify things this year because I just don't want the stress. I think I have most of my shopping done... almost. I can't find the key that opens my storage locker, where all my Christmas decorations are, so....... I'm not having a tree this year! That simplifies things now doesn't it? I put off decorating for so long this year that it would be pointless to do it all now anyway. I do want it to be a little Christmas-y so that's why I did the garland and wreath, which really didn't take much time at all. The way I cope with the stress is to make sure I have time to be creative and make things... like cookies or this...

See, I do have a tree after all. This is the house before I added the little night light and vellum windows.

The paper mache houses came as a set of three (for $17 !!) at my new, favorite art supply store, Loomis. They opened another, bigger store on Broadway near Granville. (For the Vancouver readers, incase there are hundreds of you!)
So pretty! I can imagine lots of interpretations of those little houses, though yours is quite lovely.
Merry Christmas!
Oh Becky, this is just absolute delicious. I totally love it. Also like your idea of simplicity. That is my New Years Resoluton - Simplify, Simplify. Hugs, Annie
I'm off to Loomis (I love that store)...Thanks for the tip!
You have done a wonderful job with that house and I love your crafty bag. I hope christmas goes well.
Oh what a wonderful idea!!! It looks so great - so nice!
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