A few days ago I had a similar experience. After buying a whole bunch of dye, (to dye my homespun) I went to Value Village hoping to find a big stainless steel pot, as required. Oh, I should mention, I had a nice conversation with the salesperson who sold me the dye. She explained that rather than mixing the primary colours, red, blue, yellow to get other colours, many people use a turquoise blue, magenta, yellow and sometimes black. Hmmm, I thought, I never heard of that.... Well, back to Value Village. I found a big, brand new stainless steel pot right off the bat, then when perusing the books I found a colour manual, with 24,000 colour samples, used by printers etc. And yes, the recipes/percentages use turquoise, magenta, yellow and black. Anyway, it made me take this whole yarn spinning/dyeing yarn thing as a sign that I'm on the right track, in the groove.
Here's another one. Last weekend when I was checking out a thrift store in Steveston I spotted a big hand knit, wool blanket. Someone else was looking at it and I saddled up beside her, pretending to be interested in something else nearby, all the while thinking, don't you buy it! She put it down, and I went in for the grab. You know what? I turned it down too. I left the store, went back to the park, couldn't stop thinking about it, decided to go back, (walking more and more quickly) and it was still there! Waiting for me!
I had decided I could not pass up all that wool! Yes I only wanted it for it's wool. Even though most of the colours were great, and it was all knit in a painstaking knit one, purl one rib, it was full of knots! Yes knots! So sad. It had to be frogged!
So this.... 

Became this.....
the colors are great! what will you do now?
I plan on aonther granny square throw, using some of the colours from the old blanket and adding new ones too.
Oh Becky, your wheel and yarns are fabulous. I can't even begin to imagine doing something like this. What a pleasure to be able to visit here and see the results of your spinning.
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