Today I got a package in the mail. Nine hundred - 3 inch squares of fabric! One hundred and fifty different patterns! I laid out all the little stacks, and got all giddy.

Then I pulled out my quilting books. I knew I wanted to do something very simple, since I know I don't have the patience to do any thing complicated. Also, I was limited by the fact that there were six squares of each pattern.

So I decided to do a nine patch which will be interspersed with a plain white blocks, or maybe sashing. I guess that's something I have to play around with. It's really hard for me to plan something out in total. I like to have some sort or spontaneity. Then I just cross my fingers!

Oh my gosh, it was so much fun picking the pairs that went together, and with so many choices!
I'm very pleased that they're well cut, nice and square. I have to say, cutting is my least favorite activity when it comes to sewing or quilting. Choosing colour combinations is my favorite.

I've done about nine blocks so far. Only, oh... about one hundred and ten to go!
What fun fabrics, Rebecca! I am also in the process of making a ton of nine-patch blocks out of the 3" squares of fabric I ordered from Stitch Simple. I've done 52 of 70 blocks for AmandaJean's 9-patch quilt-along. I'm excited to be almost done with the blocks so I can put them into a quilt with the sashing and everything. I can't wait to see how your nine-patch quilt turns out, too!
Phoah, just look at all those delicious fabrics, they could make a girl swoon, LOL! Nine Patch is a great easy and fun pattern, and your fabric combinations are so well put together! Now that you have the bit between your teeth, the quilt will be finished in no time, right?
I was about to ask you where you got all these squares and then noticed Kacie's link. What a great place for people like me who dislike cutting. In fact, the middle of this post could have been written by me. The keywords for me were no "patience", no "complicated", little planning, spontaneity and cross my fingers.
I'm loving catching up with you. On to the next now.
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